Notes & Publications

CAA produces publications, essays, interviews and fieldnotes with the aim to reflect on the heterogeneity of the artistic processes and multidisciplinary collaborations nurtured in its activities.

Uusi Pangaia – kasvimatkoja Seilin saarelle


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Attempts in Spectral Listening

January 2024

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Spectral Listening retreat, Seili May 2023. Photo by Taru Elfving
Spectral Listening retreat, Seili May 2023. Photo by Taru Elfving

Interview with CAA co-founder, artist and filmmaker Lotta Petronella

September 2023

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Själo, 2020. Photo by Maija Savolainen
Själo, 2020. Photo by Maija Savolainen

Post-Residency Interview with artist Kalle Hamm

March 2023

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Kalle Hamm & Band of Weeds, The New Pangaea. Photo by Jussi Virkkumaa
Kalle Hamm & Band of Weeds, The New Pangaea. Photo by Jussi Virkkumaa

Interview with marine biologist Katja Mäkinen

March 2023

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Katja Mäkinen and Jari Hänninen, sharing fieldwork methods, Spectres of Landings retreat on Seili, 2019. Photo Taru Elfving
Katja Mäkinen and Jari Hänninen, sharing fieldwork methods, Spectres of Landings retreat on Seili, 2019. Photo Taru Elfving

Conversation: Matterlugy, Taru Elfving, Jari Hänninen and Katja Mäkinen

March 2023

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Statement in support of the Archipelago Research Institute


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Herring flag by FRAUD, event How Do You Know What You Know?, August 2022. Photo Jussi Virkkumaa.
Herring flag by FRAUD, event How Do You Know What You Know?, August 2022. Photo Jussi Virkkumaa.

Field notes: Exercises in Attentiveness II

December 2022

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Buoyant. Photo by Jussi Virkkumaa
Buoyant. Photo by Jussi Virkkumaa

Notes on Själö Poiesis: Reading with Plants

December 2022

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Själö Poiesis: Reading with Plants. Photos by Jussi Virkkumaa
Själö Poiesis: Reading with Plants. Photos by Jussi Virkkumaa

Notes on Maija Mustonen’s Buoyant

December 2022

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Photos by Jussi Virkkumaa
Photos by Jussi Virkkumaa

Field notes: Exercises in Attentiveness I

December 2022

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Själö Poiesis: Lament to Pine Trees. Photo by Jussi Virkkumaa
Själö Poiesis: Lament to Pine Trees. Photo by Jussi Virkkumaa

Field notes: Walk like a Beetle

November 2022

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Podcast: AARK Archipelago Art Residency in Korpo

November 2022

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AARK Building Facade. Photo by Renja Leino
AARK Building Facade. Photo by Renja Leino

Podcast: Barefoot Path

October 2022

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View from the Barefoot Path, 2022. Photo by Aarón Blanco Tejedor.
View from the Barefoot Path, 2022. Photo by Aarón Blanco Tejedor.

Life at the Fishnest

October 2022

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Fishnest, Dalskär, 2013, Metsähallitus. Photo Maija Huttunen
Fishnest, Dalskär, 2013, Metsähallitus. Photo Maija Huttunen

Field notes: Stressed Herring

September 2022

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Interview with multidisciplinary artist Kati Roover

August 2022

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Kati Roover, The Scent of the Changing Sea, 2020-
Kati Roover, The Scent of the Changing Sea, 2020-

Interview with transdisciplinary studio FoAM Earth

August 2022

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FoAM, Spectres in Change, Seili, 2017.
FoAM, Spectres in Change, Seili, 2017.

Interview with artist duo Matterlurgy

June 2022

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Matterlurgy, River Studio, London, 2021. Photo by Katarzyna Perlak
Matterlurgy, River Studio, London, 2021. Photo by Katarzyna Perlak

Calling Out

January 2022

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Photo Antye Greie
Photo Antye Greie

‘I..sland,’ we land, it lends

January 2022

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Photo Elina Suoyrjö
Photo Elina Suoyrjö

Sense(s) of Seili

April 2021

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Interview with artist Saara Ekström

March 2021

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Photo Taru Elfving
Photo Taru Elfving

Interview with biologist Jasmin Inkinen

December 2020

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Tick research in Seili. Photo Laura Beloff.
Tick research in Seili. Photo Laura Beloff.

Interview with artist Kalle Hamm

December 2020

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Kalle in Seili. Photo Hermanni Keko.
Kalle in Seili. Photo Hermanni Keko.

Time to take time to get grounded

September 2020

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Photo New Performance Turku / Jussi Virkkumaa
Photo New Performance Turku / Jussi Virkkumaa

Shifting Shorelines

September 2020

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Photo New Performance Turku / Jussi Virkkumaa
Photo New Performance Turku / Jussi Virkkumaa

Notes on Transhemispheric Conversations – across, along, about and as waterbodies

April 2020

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Photo Maria Larsen
Photo Maria Larsen


March 2020

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Notes from Talvivaara – The Winter Hill

November 2019

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Shifting Scales, Salinities, Shoreline

October 2019

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Archipelago Sea plankton seen through microscope. Photo Taru Elfving.
Archipelago Sea plankton seen through microscope. Photo Taru Elfving.