Transhemisphérica working group reunited on-site and online to restart the Transhemispheric (residency*) Programme, which aims to explore and challenge modes of “residency” as local and at distance research and collaboration. Since its inception in 2018, the programme is aimed at exploring and fomenting affirmative physical, cultural, and environmental relations across hemispheres.
Taru Elfving and Lotta Petronella (CAA) hosted the Transhemispheric Session at the Archipelago Research Institute with Jonatan Habib Engqvist, Maria Kamilla Larsen and Luis Berríos-Negrón on the island of Seili, while Michy Marxuach and Fernando Lloveras joined virtually across the Atlantic.
The site-visit was supported by Nordic Culture Point.
Read more about Transhemisphérica here.
* ‘r’ initially signified ‘residency’, but we now expand it to resonance, rewilding, remediation, recognition, reconciliation, rebuilding, revolution…