Floating of the Midsummer Mast
Turku to Seili
The Midsummer Mast was disassembled on the Varvintori square in Turku and floated from the river Aura to the island of Seili by boat in collaboration with the Archipelago Research Institute of Turku University. Once on the island, together with local carpenters and boat builders, the museum ship Sigyn’s old masts and deck planks will be refashioned by FRAUD into an outdoor public sculpture Fields of May.
Warmest thanks to Jari Hänninen and Petri Kinnunen of the Archipelago Research Institute of Turku University for making this last maritime journey of the masts possible, to Lotta Petronella for the environmental essence created for the journey, and to Tuomo Rinne and Atte Pylvänäinen for the expert assistance on the floating of the masts.
Midsummer Mast and Fields of May by FRAUD are commissioned by CAA as part of Spectres in Change, funded by Kone Foundation. Fields of May will be inaugurated in the spring 2022 in Seili as part of an exhibition and a public programme in collaboration with the Archipelago Research Institute.
Midsummer Mast has been presented in Turku in co-operation with Forum Marinum and supported by the City of Turku. The mast was first hoisted in Fiskars as part of the exhibition Meadow during summer 2020 in collaboration with ONOMA. The work has been realised in collaboration with Entisöinti Rinne Oy.
Read more on the Midsummer Mast here.