Photo Matterlurgy

At the Edges of Vision


In this online talk Matterlurgy discuss their ongoing collaboration with curator Taru Elfving on the island of Seili and present their recent works that investigate the critical ecologies of environmental change. Matterlurgy approach organisms in their practice as sensors and sensitives, as indicators of change, but also as agential subjects and subjectivities. Elfving has been researching the spectres of ecological transformations in Turku Archipelago for over a decade now in dialogue with artists and scientists.

Together they ask: How to picture the embodied inter- and intradependencies of human life with other beings and the planetary forces that are present in every breath taken? How can sense of care be nurtured toward something that seems to escape the reach of human senses or the bounds of disciplinary knowledge?

At the Edges of Vision is part of the series of lectures Expanding Horizons of Art. New Artistic Expertise, organized by Arts Promotion Centre Finland, Turku UAS’ Arts Academy and Turku Museum Centre. More information on the lecture series here.

Matterlurgy is a collaborative practice between London based artists Helena Hunter and Mark Peter Wright. Information on their work here.

Matterlurgy work with Elfving as part of the project Spectres in Change by CAA at the Archipelago Research Institute, supported by Kone Foundation. Read more about their ongoing work in Seili here.