Uusi Pangaia – kasvimatkoja Seilin saarelle

CAA is proud to present the new publication Uusi Pangaia – Kasvimatkoja Seilin saarelle (The New Pangaea – Plant Journeys to Seili). The book is part of a larger body of work The New Pangaea (2021-24) by artists Kalle Hamm and Band of Weeds realized in collaboration with the Archipelago Research Institute (Turku University).

It is the first publication in a series of books by CAA emerging out of the long-term interdisciplinary research residency programme on the island of Seili. The publication has been produced as part of the project Spectres in Change (2017-2024) by CAA with the support of the Kone Foundation. It is now available in print and online in Finnish. An English translation will follow soon.

The New Pangaea series by Hamm and Band of Weeds will be completed with the release of the album The New Pangaea – Interspecies Cantata by Superpang Records in the autumn 2024.

The e-book can be downloaded here.